CSC CTF 2020 Challenges
Some of the challenges presented at the 2020 CSC CTF
Hack The Game 1 & 2Respond Quickly or the puppy gets itCorrupted FileraindollA Simple CipherStop Being EsotericGrOops PolicyUnlocking SecretsNumbers Stations and Locations 1Numbers Stations and Locations 2Numbers Stations and Locations 3Numbers Stations and Locations 4NoScope... If only we had MFA 1... If only we had MFA 2... If only we had MFA 3... If only we had MFA 4Sometimes Simpler is BetterCatch Me If You Can TooGuess WhatKatz and Their MemoryA Bob's life 1A Bob's life 2A Bob's life 3A Bob's life 4A Bob's life 5Hives 1Hives 2Hives 3Hives 4SNMP ShenanigansCertified GMagic Numbers are the best numbersGetting RoastedRemote Users / Getting Roasted 2My Beautiful Research!Find the Droids 1Find the Droids 2Find the Droids 4TotalVirusShe sells PowerShells
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